The Initiative for Inclusive Security
A Program of Hunt Alternatives Fund
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US Congressional Action Alert

Colombia Women Working for Peace
July 2, 2024

Colombia has been in the grip of an intermittent and brutal conflict for more than 40 years. Against a backdrop of continued civilian casualties, internal displacement, kidnappings, massacres, and forced disappearances, women have played a vital but often unrecognized role in establishing, sustaining, and enhancing peace efforts in Colombia. Today, women’s groups are leading new efforts, raising awareness of the human costs of the conflict, and calling for negotiations that include civil society. House Concurrent Resolution 465 supports the efforts of these women—we need you to support the resolution.

From May 9 to 14, 2004, The Initiative for Inclusive Security hosted a conference in Washington, DC, to elevate the voices of women in Colombia and to urge the US government, international governmental organizations, think tanks, and non-government organizations to promote the inclusion of women in all peace-building efforts.

During the conference, the Colombian delegation of 16 women peace builders met with congressional members and staffers from the House and Senate. Impressed by the women’s efforts and resolve, Representative James McGovern (D-MA) and other members committed to introducing a congressional resolution to bolster women’s efforts in Colombia. On June 24, Representative McGovern, with Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and Mike Honda (D-CA) as original cosponsors, introduced House Concurrent Resolution 465 commending the efforts of women in the Republic of Colombia to promote peace. The resolution reaffirms the importance of including women in all efforts to promote peace in the country, supports the defense of human rights, and calls on relevant US government agencies to integrate a gender perspective and to support women through funding, training, and networking opportunities.

ACTION: Support House Resolution 465 through cosponsorship. Introduce and support a matching counterpart Senate resolution.

ACTION: Urge US government agencies involved in Colombia to fully incorporate women, women’s organizations, and gender perspectives in the planning and implementation of all policies, programs, and activities in the country. Specifically demand that planning and implementation of Plan Colombia incorporates gender sensitive policies; provide aid to women’s efforts to create stability; and provide security in the country.

To find out more about cosponsoring House Resolution 465, contact:

Cindy Buhl
Legislative Director
Office of Representative James P. McGovern

To advocate for the inclusion of women in US efforts in Colombia, contact the following US officials and offices working on the country:

Peter DeShazo
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs
Caribbean and Andean Affairs
US Department of State

Charles Barclay
Deputy Director (Colombia)
Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs
Office of Andean Affairs
US Department of State

Beth Hogan
Deputy Director
Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean
Office of Regional Sustainable Development
US Agency for International Development

Marissa Lemargie
Colombia Desk Officer
Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean
Office of South American Affairs
US Agency for International Development

Rogelio Pardo-Maurer
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Western Hemisphere Affairs
US Department of Defense

Caryn Hollis
Principal Director
Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict
Stability Operations
US Department of Defense

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