Hold in-country consultations
with civil society groups to inform them about NEPAD and to elicit opinions
and concerns. Focus outreach to women's organizations with broad grassroots
constituencies to solicit opinions and priorities of women.
Hold in-country consultations
with civil society groups to elicit opinions and concerns. Focus outreach
to women's organizations with broad grassroots constituencies to solicit
opinions and priorities of women.
Access and disseminate
the NEPAD Action Plan to civil society organizations across the continent
using women's media and local media outlets.* Disseminate the Canadian
statement regarding allocation of funds.**
Create a NEPAD Outreach
Initiative using media (radio, TV, print, Internet) to inform the public.
Support the creation
of an African women's think tank to identify priorities and concerns
of African women and develop region-wide policies.
Meet with embassy
personnel from G8 countries for consultation regarding the concerns and
contributions of women in peace and security issues.
Make gender mainstreaming
an indicator for peer review and include women in planning, decision
making, and implementation proceses.
Make gender mainstreaming
an indicator for peer review and hold African governments accountable
to their commitment to ensure gender equality in NEPAD.
Use relevant policy
instruments [e.g., UNSC Resolution 1325 (2000), Beijing Platform for
Action (1995)] to hold the NEPAD process accountable to women.
Include African women
and gender experts in all consultations with NEPAD partners.
Include women and
gender experts in G8 country teams and reflect a commitment to the representation
of women in allocation of funds.
Convene meetings with
like-minded groups to identify key needs for the inclusion of women. |
Set up a G8 clearinghouse
to process project proposals, provide information to women and civil
society, avoid duplication of initiatives, and facilitate interaction
between civil society and G8 countries.
Send recommendations
for projects to G8 NEPAD contacts.
Implement the 50/50
African Union quota for women's political participation at national and
regional levels.
Make women's political
participation a key indicator for good governance.
Train women in political
rights and issues.
Disaggregate information
on voting patterns by gender to ensure equity.
Fund skills training
for women candidates in national and local governments, including constituency
building and get-out-the-vote campaigns.
Register women for
Support the creation
of regional exchanges and networks of women parliamentarians and councilors.
Convene women's groups
to identify and train women candidates for local and national posts.
Recognize and include
all women combatants and abductees in DDR packages.
Recognize and include
all women combatants and abductees in DDR packages.
Create a database
of specific challenges facing women in DDR processes; document strategies
and programs developed by and for women to address challenges.
Develop specialized
programs for child soldiers and abductees that address their health and
education needs.
Ensure that DDR programs
are community-focused and that support is given to women and community
networks helping reintegrate combatants.
Address issues of
land ownership and inheritance structures through DDR processes.
Create and support
trauma centers for women ex-combatants that provide health and psychosocial
care, education, and skills training.
Ensure women's full
participation in peace negotiations and implementation.
Demand women's inclusion
in peace processes as full participants.
Demand women's inclusion
in peace processes as full participants.
Include traditional
structures and civil society forums as official elements of peace processes.
Create a trust fund
for women's conflict resolution and peacebuilding activities across Africa.
Ensure a high percentage
of women in peacekeeping forces and the full integration of gender perspectives
and expertise.
Demand a high percentage
of women in peacekeeping forces.
Demand a high percentage
of women in peacekeeping forces.
Make gender-sensitivity
training and education on international law mandatory for all peacekeeping
Make gender-sensitivity
training and education on international law mandatory for all peacekeeping
In conflict areas,
generate awareness of and training on international laws and rights amongst
the public.
Introduce gender-sensitive
conflict prevention trainings and mechanisms into African Union structures.
Introduce gender-sensitive
conflict prevention trainings and mechanisms into Africa Union structures.
Train women in refugee
camps about options for protection and monitoring actions of peacekeepers
by documenting violations and abuse.
Hold peacekeepers
accountable for violations and gender-based violence and discrimination.
Support civil society
in conflict areas with training and awareness-raising of international
laws and rights.
Collect and disseminate
information about violations committed by peacekeepers to the UN, national
governments, the media, and human rights groups.
Beyond micro-credit,
support job-creation programs and emphasize assistance to women as employers
and producers.
Beyond micro-credit,
support job-creation programs and emphasize assistance to women as employers
and producers.
Mobilize personal
and community networks to ensure broad participation by women in economic
and educational programs.
Support self sufficiency
for women farmers and the creation of drought early-warning systems.
Support self sufficiency
for women farmers and the creation of drought early-warning systems.
Support widespread
adult education with a focus on women. Promote higher education with
a focus on specific needs and demands in Africa.
Support widespread
adult education with a focus on women. Promote higher education with
a focus on specific needs and demands in Africa.
Focus on skills training
for women to ensure their inclusion in formal economies.
Open G8 markets to
African products -- beyond textiles.
Support regional
skills-exchange programs (i.e., Nigerians teaching South Africans economic
skills, South Africans teaching Nigerians political skills).
Establish programs
for street children with HIV/AIDS.
In consultation with
all stakeholders, support the development of a continent-wide program
for HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention.
Mobilize personal
and community networks to ensure broad participation by women in HIV/AIDS
awareness and prevention programs.
Target HIV/AIDS awareness
and prevention at women and communities.
Ensure HIV/AIDS education
for peacekeeping forces.