Highlights: Africa
Strengthening Governance:
The Role of Women in Rwanda's Transition
Read about release events for the case study on post-conflict governance in
September 2003
Waging network
members addressed a group of USAID officials on advancing strategies to mainstream
women in peace and development efforts. Parliamentarian Sabine
Sabimbona provided her organization’s strategic plan for Burundi to
USAID’s new regional director for East and Southern Africa, making
a vital connection in support of Burundi’s peace process and laying
the groundwork for future collaboration between USAID and women in the
Economic Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)
On November 8, 2002, Inclusive Security: Women Waging Peace hosted a consultation among eleven African women leaders from
Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone,
South Africa, and Sudan and representatives from relevant Canadian, the United
Kingdom, and the United States government agencies to discuss the G8's support
for NEPAD and its impact on women.
NEPAD Conference List of
of Points from NEPAD
of Points from G8 Action Plan
Regional Meeting in
late May, 2001, Inclusive Security: Women Waging Peace held a
regional meeting in Kigali, Rwanda. Network members
from Burundi, Rwanda, South Africa, and Sudan gathered
to take advantage of a wide range of opportunities
to strengthen their peace-building work. The regional
meeting included orientation sessions for liaisons
for each conflict area, networking and strategic
planning within a regional context, and a policy
meeting with a panel presentation followed by small
roundtable discussion groups comprised of network
members and regional policy shapers. 198 policy shapers
from 10 different countries attended the meeting,
including representatives from the US Agency for
International Development, the UN, the Rwandan government,
and a host of NGOs.
Rwandan President Discusses
the Challenge of Reconciliation
In February 2001, Waging
was instrumental in bringing the Rwandan President, Paul Kagame, and two
prominent women leaders to Harvard University. President Paul Kagame was
joined by Waging core network member Aloisea Inyumba, Executive Secretary
of the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission in Rwanda and a member
of the Lusaka negotiating team, as well as Angelina Muganza, Rwandan Minister
of Gender and Women in Development. In their meetings and public presentations,
they discussed the challenge of reconciliation as the country prepares to
reintegrate approximately 85,000 prisoners held since the genocide in 1994,
when some 800,000 people were killed in 100 days. While in the US, President
Kagame met with Secretary of State Colin Powell and Congo's new president,
Joseph Kabila.
Pan-African Conference
In June 2000, several
Waging members participated in a pan-African conference hosted by the US
Embassy in Kigali, Rwanda. Keynote speaker Ambassador Swanee Hunt (Waging
Chair) discussed women-led peace initiatives with Rwandan President Paul
Kagame. Subsequently, President Kagame appointed three women to the Rwandan
negotiating team for the Congo/Uganda peace talks. The Ugandans followed
Ambassador Hunt Addresses
Women in Burundi
At the request of the
US Ambassador in Bujumbura, Ambassador Hunt addressed 60 women activists
and met with government officials in Burundi in June 2000, encouraging the
strong involvement of women in the civil war peace talks.
"Women as Partners
for Peace" Conference
In June 2000, a delegation
from Inclusive Security: Women Waging Peace participated in the pan-African "Women as Partners
for Peace" conference hosted by the US Embassy in Kigali, Rwanda. Waging
Chair, Ambassador Swanee Hunt, met with women from all regions of Africa
and discussed peace initiatives with Rwandan President Paul Kagame.
Meeting with the National
Security Council
In March 2000, the National
Security Council of the White House hosted a closed meeting with Waging members
(including women from South Africa, Burundi, and Kenya) and 15 officials
from the State Department, US Agency for International Development (USAID),
the Pentagon, and other governmental agencies to discuss the role of women
peacemakers in sub-Saharan Africa. Multiple meetings with high-level USAID
officials have resulted.
Waging Delegates Attend
World Bank Panel
Resulting from a discussion
on Policy Day with Betty Bigombe, the Africa Regional Coordinator at the
World Bank, two delegates from Inclusive Security: Women Waging Peace attended a panel on International
Women's Day at the World Bank that focused on examples of women peacemakers.
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