The Initiative for Inclusive Security
A Program of Hunt Alternatives Fund
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 Middle East

 Conflict Prevention
 Peace Negotiations

 Building the Network
 Making the Case
 Shaping Public Policy


 Kemi Ogunsanya,

 Martha Segura

 Mary Okumu

 Nanda Pok

 Neela Marikkar
    Sri Lanka

 Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela
    South Africa

 Rina Amiri

 Rita Manchanda

 Rose Kabuye

 Sumaya Farhat-Naser

 Terry Greenblatt

 Vjosa Dobruna

IV. As you leave the community / V. After you have left the community
Next >> VI. Using the results in policymaking

IV. As you leave the community

  1. Thank those who helped you.
  2. Restate what you will send back and on what expected timeline, and leave multiple ways for members of the community to get in touch with you.

V. After you have left the community

  1. Stay in touch as you work on the research, develop your ideas, and write your results.
  2. Consider how the research might have unintended consequences. Your work may be used by individuals, groups, and governments for ends that you oppose.6
  3. Get back to the community about what has happened to the research (what has been published, etc.).
  4. Try to translate your most useful findings into the community’s language and get those findings back to them in some way. If you use interviews and stories that others tell you, create a document for the community’s records that has those stories in their language.
  5. Support the work of the community’s own scholars. Try to help them get funding and access to publishers.
  6. Try to convey the community's perspectives to donors, governments, and the media.
  7. Try to get other researchers to work on issues of importance to the community.

Next >> VI. Using the results in policymaking

6 The problems involving data misuse also deserve further discussion. Sometimes it is impossible to prevent one’s data being misused in ways no one would have foreseen, but it is important to think and consult carefully about the potential dangers.
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