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For Further Reading

Abdulhadi, Rabab. “The Palestinian women's autonomous movement: Emergence, dynamics, and challenges” in Gender & Society, Thousand Oaks; Dec 1998; Vol. 12, Iss. 6; pg. 649, 25 pgs

Aitken G, Burman E. “Keeping and crossing professional and racialized boundaries - Implications for feminist practice” in Psychology of Women Quarterly. 23: (2) 277-297 JUN 1999

Alcoff, Linda. “The Problem of Speaking for Others” in Judith Roof and Robyn Weigman, eds. Who Can Speak?: authority and critical identity. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1995.) WID-LC HM271.W48 1995

Allen KR, Baber KM. “Ethical and Epistemological Tensions in Applying Postmodern Perspective to Feminist Research” in Psychology of Women Quarterly. 16: (1) 1-15 MAR 1992

Arora V. “Subaltern studies VIII: Essays in honour of Ranajit Guha.” In Contributions to Indian Sociology 34: (1) 153-154 JAN-APR 2000

Bakalaki A. “Students, natives, colleagues: Encounters in academia and in the field” in Cultural Anthropology. 12: (4) 502-526 NOV 1997

Bangura, Abdul Karim. Research Methodology and African Studies. (Maryland: University Press of America, 1994.) DT19.8.B36 1994)

Berger, Sherna and Daphne Patai. Women's Words: The Feminist Practice of Oral History. (NY: Routledge, 1991).

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Berkovitch N, Moghadam VM. “Middle East politics and women's collective action: Challenging the status quo” in Social Politics. 6: (3) 273-291 FAL 1999

Bhave, Sumitra. Pan on Fire: Eight Dalit Women Tell Their Story. (Delhi: Indian Social Institute, 1988.) HQ1745.P86 B47 1988.

Bloom LR. “Locked in uneasy sisterhood: Reflections on feminist methodology and research relations” in Anthropological Education Quarterly. 28: (1) 111-122 MAR 1997

Bondi L. ‘In whose words? On gender identities, knowledge and writing practices” in The Institute of British Geography (“T I Brit Geogr”) 22: (2) 245-258 1997

Bottomley, G. “Culture, Ethnicity, and the politics/poetics of Representation” in Diaspora. 1(3):303-20.

Bourgois P. “Confronting anthropology, education, and inner-city apartheid” in American Anthropology. 98: (2) 249-& JUN 1996

Campbell, David and Michael J. Shapiro, eds. Moral Spaces: Rethinking Ethics and
World Politics
. (Minneapolis, MN : University of Minnesota Press, 1999.) WID-LC BJ55.M57 1999.

Campbell R. “Weaving a New Tapestry of Research - A Bibliography of Selected Readings on Feminist Research Methods” in Women’s Studies International Forum. 18: (2) 215-222 MAR-APR 1995

Cerulo KA. “Identity construction: New issues, new directions” in Annual Review of Sociology 23: 385-409 1997

Chouinard V and Grant A. “On Being Not Even Anywhere Near the Project - Ways of Putting Ourselves in the Picture” in Antipode. 27: (2) 137-166 APR 1995

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Clifford, James. Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Fieldwork. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.)

Clopton, Nancy A. and Gwendolyn T. Sorell. “Gender Differences in moral reasoning: Stable or situational?” in Psychology of Women Quarterly. Cambridge, (17) 1:85- Mar 1993.

Cockburn, Cynthia. The Space Between Us: Negotiating Gender and National Identity in Conflict. (London: Zed Books, 1998).

De Andrade LL. “Negotiating from the inside - Constructing racial and ethnic identity in qualitative research” in Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. 29: (3) 268-290 JUN 2000

DeVault ML. “Talking back to sociology: Distinctive contributions of feminist methodology” in Annual Review of Sociology. 22: 29-50 1996

Doyle L. “The Big Issue: empowering homeless women through academic research?” in Area. 31: (3) 239-246 SEP 1999

Dunn D, Waller DV. “The methodological inclinations of gender scholarship in mainstream sociology journals” in Sociology Spectrum. 20: (2) 239-257 APR-JUN 2000

Dyck I, Lynam JM, and Anderson JM. “Women talking - Creating knowledge through difference in cross-cultural research” in Women’s Studies International Forum. 18: (5-6) 611-626 SEP-DEC 1995

Edwards R. “Connecting Method and Epistemology - A White Woman Interviewing Black Women” in Women’s Studies International Forum. 13: (5) 477-490 1990

England KVL. “Getting Personal - Reflexivity, Positionality, and Feminist Research” in Professional Geographer. 46: (1) 80-89 FEB 1994

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Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. Ethnicity and nationalism : anthropological perspectives. (London ; Boulder, Colo. : Pluto Press, 1993.) WID-LC GN495.6.E75 1993

Ferber, Marianne. Review of “Feminist Morality: Transforming Culture, Society, and Politics” in Studies in Comparative International Development. New Brunswick; (29)3: 107

Friedrichs, Jurgen and Harmut Ludtke. Participant Observation: Theory and Practice. (England: Saxon House, 1975.)

Gatenby B, Humphries M. “Feminist participatory action research: Methodological and ethical issues” in Women’s Studies International Forum. 23: (1) 89-105 JAN-FEB 2000

Gergen M, Chrisler JC, LoCicero A. “Innovative methods - Resources for research, publishing, and teaching” in Psychology of Women Quarterly. 23: (2) 431-456 JUN 1999

Green G, Barbour RS, and Barnard M et al. “Who Wears the Trousers - Sexual Harassment in Research Settings” in Women’s Studies International Forum. 16: (6) 627-637 NOV-DEC 1993

Grossman FK, Kruger LM, and Moore RP. “Reflections on a feminist research project - Subjectivity and the wish for intimacy and equality” in Psychology of Women Quarterly. 23: (1) 117-135 MAR 1999

Hancock M. “Unmaking the 'great tradition': Ethnography, national culture and area studies” in Identities - Global Studies in Culture and Power. 4: (3-4) 343-388 JUN 1998

Harding, Sandra, ed. Feminism and Methodology: social science issues. (Bloomington : Indiana University Press ; Milton Keynes [Buckinghamshire] : Open University Press, 1987.) WID-LC H61.F38 1987

Held, Virginia. Feminist Morality: Transforming Culture, Society, and Politics. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.) WID-LC HQ1190.H44 1993.

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Herod A. “Reflections on interviewing foreign elites: praxis, positionality, validity, and the cult of the insider” in Geoforum. 30: (4) 313-327 NOV 1999

Hodgson DL. “Critical interventions: Dilemmas of accountability in contemporary ethnographic research” in Identities - Global Studies in Culture and Power. 6: (2-3) 201-224 JUL 1999

Ibrahim, Huma. “Ontological Victimhood: Other Bodies in madness and exile - toward a third world feminist epistemology” in The Politics of (M)Othering: Womanhood, Identity, and Resistance in African Literature. Ed. Obioma Nnaemeka. (London: Routledge, 1997).

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Kirsch GE and Ritchie JS. “Beyond the Personal - Theorizing a Politics of Location in Composition Research” in College Composition and Communication. 46: (1) 7-29 FEB 1995

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Naples NA. “Towards a Comparative analyses of women’s political praxis: Explicating multiple dimensions of standpoint epistemology for feminist ethnography” in Women and Politics. 20: (1) 29-57, 1999.

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Rodriguez C. “African American anthropology and the pedagogy of activist community research” in Anthropological Education Quarterly. 27: (3) 414-431 SEP 1996

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