The Initiative for Inclusive Security
A Program of Hunt Alternatives Fund
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 Building the Network
 Making the Case
 Shaping Public Policy


 Kemi Ogunsanya,

 Martha Segura

 Mary Okumu

 Nanda Pok

 Neela Marikkar
    Sri Lanka

 Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela
    South Africa

 Rina Amiri

 Rita Manchanda

 Rose Kabuye

 Sumaya Farhat-Naser

 Terry Greenblatt

 Vjosa Dobruna

Colloquium 2000

Policy Day


One of the goals of the Inclusive Security: Women Waging Peace initiative is to bring attention to the essential role and contribution of women in preventing violent conflict, stopping war, and sustaining peace in fragile areas around the world. The significant news coverage of the Colloquium, held November 4-18, 2000, was an important step in that direction:

  • Major stories were reported in daily newspapers, including a full page in The Boston Globe and a two-page spread in The Boston Herald.
  • Stories also appeared in women's magazines Ms. and Marie Claire, and on radio, including National Public Radio.
  • Film crew documented the colloquium, which will result in a 30-minute story to be aired on WorldLink TV, reaching some 18 million homes worldwide.
  • The Voice of America's Africa Journal did a series on women in conflict in Africa.

Numerous events took place after the colloquium to continue the vital connection and ideas iterated in Cambridge:

  • Waging conducted regional conferences in 2001 in Africa and Asia.
  • Delegate exchanges occur daily on the Waging Web site through monthly regional and local chats.
  • Several policy-related meetings took place with the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and USAID has offered extensive support of Inclusive Security: Women Waging Peace regional efforts.
  • Follow-up meetings to the G8 Summit are planned to implement activities in G8 capitols; meetings occurred in Tokyo, Berlin, London, and Moscow.
  • Waging hosted a two-day seminar on Women in Politics in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in December to assist in the political empowerment of women from throughout the former Yugoslav region. Discussions covered the significance of women in politics, the importance of elections, and the interaction of economic development and politics.
  • Another reconciliation concert in honor of Inclusive Security: Women Waging Peace took place in Belgrade in December 2000 where Charles Ansbacher conducted Beethoven's 9th Symphony at the Sava Center.


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Policy Day
Some 200 policy shapers from around the world joined with 70 international women peacemakers for the second annual Inclusive Security: Women Waging Peace Policy Day held at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government on November 17, 2000. These leaders represented the United Nations, regional security organizations, the US State Department, the US Agency for International Development, the World Bank, media, transnational corporations, non-governmental organizations, and foundations. They met with Waging delegates in small groups to generate specific policy recommendations. Each of the 22 roundtable discussions included at least three Inclusive Security: Women Waging Peace delegates, who shared their insights and expertise born of many years of work on the frontlines of peace in their conflict-torn communities.


Delegates to the 2000 Colloquium in the Kennedy School's Collins Rotunda during the farewell event.





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