The Initiative for Inclusive Security
A Program of Hunt Alternatives Fund
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 Building the Network
 Making the Case
 Shaping Public Policy


 Kemi Ogunsanya,

 Martha Segura

 Mary Okumu

 Nanda Pok

 Neela Marikkar
    Sri Lanka

 Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela
    South Africa

 Rina Amiri

 Rita Manchanda

 Rose Kabuye

 Sumaya Farhat-Naser

 Terry Greenblatt

 Vjosa Dobruna

Europe and Middle East Regional Meeting
Vienna, Austria
July 1-4, 2002

Women peace builders from Europe and the Middle East met in Vienna, Austria, in early July 2002 to discuss their experiences and to take concrete steps to include women in all aspects of peace processes. Members of Inclusive Security: Women Waging Peace relayed stories of their efforts to resolve conflicts in their communities and offered practical suggestions to Austrian, regional, and international policymakers on how to involve women at the local, regional, and international levels of peace efforts around the world.

Leading policymakers from the Organization for Cooperation and Security in Europe, the United Nations, the European Parliament, the Austrian Government, and numerous embassies and ministries met with women from Armenia and Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Northern Ireland, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, Russia, and the successor states of the former Yugoslavia. At small roundtables, policymakers and leading women peace builders discussed policies adopted by the UN (Resolution 1325), the Group of 8 Leading Industrialized Nations (statement by the foreign ministers meeting in Rome, 2001), the European Union, and the OSCE. Discussions focused on measures to implement these policies and ensure the full inclusion of women in peace processes.

Participants will follow up this meeting with efforts such as:

  • Reforming the security processes at local, regional, and international levels,
  • Stopping human trafficking,
  • Forging partnerships between civil society and governments, and
  • Enhancing the role of women at the peace table and in post-conflict situations.


see also:
Policy Meeting

Special Feature:
Photo Gallery of the Europe and Middle East Regional Meeting

Click on any of the images below to see the full photo



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