Ambassador Swanee Hunt is founder and chair of
The Initiative for Inclusive Security (including The Women Waging
Peace Network), a program of Hunt Alternatives Fund. During her
tenure as US Ambassador to Austria (1993-97), Dr. Hunt hosted negotiations
and several international symposia to focus efforts on securing
the peace in the neighboring Balkan states.
Building on her extensive work with US non-governmental organizations,
she became a specialist in the role of women in post-communist
Europe, leading to the July 1997 “Vital Voices: Women in
Democracy” conference of 320 women leaders in business, law,
and politics, and the film documentary “Voices.” Her
work in Europe prefaced the creation of Inclusive Security to advocate
for the full participation of all stakeholders, especially women,
in formal and informal peace processes.
She has authored articles for US and international newspapers
and professional journals including Foreign Affairs, Foreign
Policy, International Herald Tribune, Chicago Tribune,
Boston Globe, Denver Post, Dallas Morning News, and Rocky
Mountain News; she also writes a nationally-syndicated column
for Scripps Howard news service.
Ambassador Hunt is active in Democratic politics. Her book, This
Was Not Our War: Bosnian Women Reclaiming the Peace, was
published in January, 2005 by Duke University Press; her autobiography, Half-Life
of a Zealot will be out in July, 2006.
by Swanee Hunt
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