The Initiative for Inclusive Security
A Program of Hunt Alternatives Fund
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 Kemi Ogunsanya,

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Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR)

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Berdal, M.R. (1996). Disarmament and demobilization after civil wars. Adelphi Paper, 303. London, England: The International Institute for Strategic Studies.

Clark, Kimberly Mahling. (1996). Fostering a farewell to arms: Preliminary lessons learned in the demobilization and reintegration of combatants. Washington, DC: USAID. Retrieved June 14, 2002, from the USAID Web site:; =El+Salvador&year;=%25199%25&type;=All&display;=summary&newsearch;=yesα =a%3Ae&mode;=form&cfid;=120741&cftoken;=84382374

Colletta, N.J., Kostner, M., & Wiederhofer, I. (1996). Case studies in war-to-peace transition: The demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants in Ethiopia, Namibia, and Uganda. World Bank Discussion Paper 331. Retrieved May 17, 2002, from the World Bank Web site:;=000009265_3961214183011

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Creative Associates International and USAID. (1995). Other country experiences in demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants. Washington, DC: USAID.

ECHA Working Group on Disarmament, Demoblization, and Reintegration. (2000). Harnessing institutional capacities in support of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants. Retrieved May 17, 2002, from the UNDP Web site:

Faltas, S. & Paes, W.C. (2001). The problem of small arms in developing countries. Eschborn, Germany: GTZ. Retrieved June 14, 2002, from the BICC Web site:

Faltas, S., McDonald, G., & Waszink, C. (2001). Removing small arms from society: A review of weapons collection and destruction programs. Occasional Paper 2. Geneva, Switzerland: The Small Arms Survey. Retrieved May 19, 2002, from the Small Arms Survey Web site:

Ginifer, J. (1998). Protecting displaced persons through disarmament. Survival 40 (2), 161-176.

Jensen, S. & Stepputat, F. (2001). Demobilizing armed civilians. CDR Policy Paper. Copenhagen, Denmark: Centre for Development Research. Retrieved June 14, 2002, from the CDR Web site:

Kingma, K. (1999). Post-war demobilization, reintegration and peace-building. The contribution of disarmament and conversion to conflict prevention and its relevance for development cooperation. Bonn, Germany: Bonn International Center for Conversion. Retrieved June 14, 2002, from the BICC Web site:

Kingma, K. (1997). Post-war demobilization and the reintegration of ex-combatants into civilian life. After the war is over, what comes next? Washington, DC: USAID. Retrieved June 15, 2002, from the USAID Web site:

Maynard, K. (1997). Social reintegration in post-conflict societies. After the war is over, what comes next? Washington, DC: USAID. Retrieved June 15, 2002, from the USAID Web site:

Pauwels, N. (Ed.). (2000). War force to work force: Global perspectives on demobilization and reintegration. Germany: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.

Pike, C. & Taylor, M. (2000). Swords for ploughshares: Microdisarmament in transitions from conflict. FAFO Report 332. Norway: FAFO Institute for Applied Social Science. Retrieved June 14, 2002, from the FAFO Web site:

United Nations Development Programme. (n.d.) Light weapons and the proliferation of armed conflicts. New York, NY: Crisis Prevention and Recovery, UNDP. Retrieved June 14, 2002, from the UNDP Web site:

United Nations Security Council. (2000). The role of United Nations peacekeeping in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration. Report of the Secretary-General S/2000/101. Retrieved June 14, 2002, from the UN Web site:

United Nations Security Council. (1999). Statement by the president of the Security Council S/PRST/1999/21. Retrieved August 7, 2002, from the UN Web site:

Wulf, H. (Ed.). (2000). Disarmament and conflict prevention in development cooperation. Report 14- Proceedings of an international conference 30-31 August 1999. Bonn, Germany: Bonn International Center for Conversion.

Wulf, H. (2000). Security sector reform in developing countries. Eschborn, Germany: GTZ. Retrieved August 2, 2002, from the GTZ Web site:

Zawels, E.A., Stedman, J.S., Daniel, D.C.F., Cox, D., Boulden, J., Tanner, F., (1996). Managing arms in peace processes: The issues. Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research.


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