The Initiative for Inclusive Security
A Program of Hunt Alternatives Fund
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Security Sector Reform

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Born, H., Caparini, M., Fluri, P. (Eds.) (2000). Security sector reform and democracy in transitional societies. Proceedings of the Democratic Control of Armed Forces Workshops at the 4th International Security Form, Geneva, November 15-17, 2000. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.

Caparini, M. (2002). Civil society and democratic oversight of the security sector: A preliminary investigation. Fifth international security forum, Zurich, 14-16 October 2002. Retrieved February 20, 2003, from the Web site:

Chanaa, J. (2002). Security sector reform: Issues, challenges and prospects. Adelphi Paper 344. London: The International Institute for Strategic Studies.

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Gebrewold, K. (Ed.) (1998). Converting defense resources to human development. Report 12: Proceedings of an international conference, 9-11 November 1997. Bonn, Germany: Bonn International Centerfor Conversion.

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Hills, A. (2000). Defence diplomacy and security sector reform. In Contemporary Security Policy 21(1).

International Alert. (2002). Towards a better practice framework in security sector Reform: Broadening the debate. Occasional SSR Paper No. 1. London: International Alert.

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Smith, C. (2000). Security sector reform - A research note. London: King’s College. Retrieved February 20, 2003, from the Web site:

Vickers, G.R. (1997). International assistance to internal security reforms: Some lessons from Central America and the Caribbean. USAID Conference Promoting Democracy, Human Rights, and Reintegration in Post-Conflict Societies October 30-31, 1997.

Williams, R. (2000). Africa and the challenges of security sector reform. Monograph 46 -Building stability in Africa: Challenges for the new millennium. Institute for Security Studies.

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