Middle East
Conflict Prevention
Peace Negotiation
Building the Network
Making the Case
Shaping Public Policy
Vjosa Dobruna,
Rose Kabuye,
Kemi Ogunsanya,
Sub-Saharan Africa
Sharon Bhagwan-Rolls
Fiji, a small pacific island with a population of less than one
million, made headlines in May 2000 when Prime Minister Mahendra
Chaudhry and his cabinet were taken hostage in a violent coup.
As secretary of the Women, Peace, and Security Coordinating Committee
and the National Council of Women of Fiji, Sharon
Bhagwan-Rolls strengthens women’s participation
in decision-making structures that have too long excluded them.
To end the cycle of coups that has plagued Fiji and move ahead
successfully with reconciliation, the inclusion of the nation’s
women in peace-building efforts is critical. Following the political
crises of 2000, Ms. Bhagwan-Rolls and others founded fem’LINKpacific,
a women’s media NGO established to increase the visibility
of gender issues and women’s stories within the context
of the crisis and through community media initiatives. The group’s
areas of focus include promoting the role of women in domestic
and international security and fostering a community-based understanding
of human rights, good governance, and democracy. Ms. Bhagwan-Rolls
was the Youth and Media representative on Fiji’s delegation
to the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women. During the 2000
coup, she was the founding coordinating secretary of the Women’s
Action for Democracy and Peace (WAD’aP), a coalition of
women’s groups. She was appointed by the UN Division for
the Advancement of Women to the experts meeting on “Women
and the Media” in November 2002.
Ms. Bhagwan-Rolls’ peace-building activities include:
- documenting the role of women in peace and security initiatives
in a number of community videos, including “Balancing the
Scales” (which won the Fiji Human Rights Commission Television
Award), “Mothers in Dialogue,” and coverage of the
2000 Women’s Peace Vigil;
- producing radio and video programs through fem’LINKpacific’s
community media initiatives, portraying the role of Fijian women
in conflict resolution and promoting reconciliation by increasing
awareness of social, political, and economic issues;
- developing and strengthening partnerships with other grassroots
women’s and peace organizations and documenting their work;
- coordinating the National Council of Women’s daily Blue
Ribbon Peace Vigil in a cathedral for the more than two months
coup leaders held hostages in 2000, and conveying the message
of the vigil to the media;
- developing and producing the women’s community media
magazine fem’TALK 1325, named for the UN Security Council
Resolution 1325, which calls for the full inclusion of women
throughout formal and informal peace processes;
- planning fem’LINKpacific’s documentation of and
participation in current and future women’s peace initiatives;
- presenting at conferences and symposia on the role of women
and the media in peace and security, including the 2001 and 2003
United Nations Development Fund for Women-Pacific regional peace
and security meetings.
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