Middle East
Conflict Prevention
Peace Negotiation
Building the Network
Making the Case
Shaping Public Policy
Vjosa Dobruna,
Rose Kabuye,
Kemi Ogunsanya,
Sub-Saharan Africa
Zainab Hawa Bangura
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone’s decade-long civil war ended in 2002, leaving
tens of thousands dead and a large portion of the population displaced. Zainab
Hawa Bangura, active in reconstruction efforts, has consulted
for progressive civil society and political organizations. She
chairs the advisory board of the Network for Collaborative Peace
Building in Sierra Leone. A former member of the United Nations
Development Programme Sierra Leone Task Force on Special Initiatives
for Governance in Africa, she advised the UNDP on integrating methods
of inclusion and participation into their programs in the country.
She also formulated advocacy positions for the UNDP’s work
with Sierra Leone’s government and development partners in
an effort to reduce poverty and decentralize the government. She
has been a social development specialist for the World Bank in
Sierra Leone and Liberia. A member of the National Democratic Institute
for International Affairs Nigeria Election Monitoring Mission,
she was on that country’s Commonwealth Election Monitoring
Team. She cofounded and chaired the political party Movement for
Progress, devoted to change through good governance and the empowerment
of marginal groups, and ran for president in 2002 on the new party’s
ticket. A trustee of the Governing Council for the Centre for Democracy
and Development, she is also part of the Sierra Leone Government
Democratic Reform Sub-Committee and the Sierra Leone Women’s
Forum, an umbrella organization made up of women’s NGOs.
She has served on the boards of the International Crisis Group
and the Open Society Institute for West Africa. Ms. Hawa Bangura
won the Sierra Leone Women of Excellence Life of Achievement Award
in 2003. She was presented with the Alliance for Female Journalists
Award in Sierra Leone; in the United States, the Bayard Rustin
Humanitarian Award and the Human Rights Award of the Lawyers Committee
for Human Rights; and in Nigeria, the Africa International Award
of Merit for Leadership in Nigeria.
Ms. Hawa Bangura’s peace-building activities include:
- providing conflict resolution training to soldiers;
- founding Women Organized for a Morally Enlightened Nation (WOMEN),
a nonpartisan women’s political rights organization, which
played a vital role in the campaign against the ruling military
junta, the National Provisional Ruling Council;
- founding and coordinating Campaign for Good Governance, the
largest indigenous NGO in Sierra Leone, which promotes democratic
participation, civil society and grassroots organizing, human
rights, the rule of law, and the political and economic empowerment
of women;
- identifying grassroots women’s groups that promote women’s
rights and the inclusion and participation of women in peace
building as a consultant to the Mano River Women’s Peace
Network, which brings together women from Guinea, Liberia, and
Sierra Leone; and
- formulating a strategy to ensure community empowerment’s
sustainability for Sierra Leone office of the UN High Commissioner
for Refugees.
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