"Where quotas work"
By Swanee Hunt
Los Angeles Times, October 15, 2024
THE NEW IRAQI constitution — to be approved or rejected in
a nationwide referendum today — includes a provision that
would never get passed in the United States: It sets aside at least
25% of the seats in parliament for women.
Such an idea would be laughed off the table in American politics.
It's undemocratic, right? The theory here — under the system
laid out in our own Constitution — is that if our citizens
want to elect women, they'll vote for them.
If "set-asides" were suggested, critics would immediately
ask why having women in government is more important than having
blacks, or Latinos, or Jews. Should we have set-asides for all
of them? That would be deemed ridiculous, unworkable and undesirable.
So why is the United States allowing such a system to be installed
in Iraq — and even encouraging people to vote for it? For
a number of reasons, and I think they're absolutely right.
For one thing, it's not such an unusual idea. We may think our
way is the only way. But in fact, quotas are common these days
and aren't reserved for new democracies emerging from conflict.
In fact, an astounding 50 countries have quotas for women mandated
constitutionally or in their election law, and another 72 have
quotas or targets in the rules of their political parties.
The new Afghan constitution, passed in 2004, also includes a 25%
set-aside for women in the Wolesi Jirga, the national council.
But it's not always the countries you'd expect. In Rwanda, the
post-genocide constitution guarantees that women hold at least
30% of the lower house (the elected chamber) through a women-only
ballot, and women have also competed with men for seats on the
regular ballot. Today women total 49% of the House of Deputies,
the highest in the world.
The sad truth is that the U.S. trails 66 countries in the percentage
of women in the legislature's lower (or in some cases, its only)
house, including Mozambique, Uzbekistan and Pakistan. All have
Generally, such measures are designed to compensate for pervasive
cultural, economic and religious barriers that would otherwise
prevent women from achieving equitable representation. It's no
secret, for instance, that in the most rigid Islamic cultures,
women are not allowed to leave the house without a male relative,
much less campaign for office. Not exactly a level playing field
on election day.
In "first past the post" systems such as ours, where
individual candidates (rather than political parties) run against
each other for a specific office, women have trouble raising the
early money that makes their candidacy feasible. In countries with "proportional
representation," where voters select a political party, women
are often shut out of the room — figuratively and literally — when
candidate lists are drawn by party leaders.
The Swedes, who have quotas within their political parties, have
a legislature that's 45% women. So perhaps it should be no surprise
that Sweden grants paternity leave for fathers and leads the world
in combating sex trafficking and prostitution.
Studies by Professor Alice Eagley and researcher Rose McDermott
have found that women are generally long on collaboration and short
on war mongering. In Cambodia, Congo and Kosovo, women have stepped
into post-conflict leadership vacuums to combat corruption, stop
rampaging militias and unite women parliamentarians across party
Gender differences are visible in domestic policy too. According
to psychologists Felicia Pratto and Jim Sidanius, women are more
supportive than men when it comes to people-oriented policies such
as government-sponsored healthcare, guaranteed jobs for all and
greater aid to poor children. Also, a study sponsored by the World
Bank (by David Dollar, Ramond Fisman and Roberta Gatti) says that
governments with more females have lower rates of corruption.
In the U.S., women hold only 14% of the Senate and 15% of the
House of Representatives. The news isn't much better in the states,
where only eight women serve as governors. Looking again at the
lower house (or only house), we're 67th in the world in terms of
women's representation.
Political change moves at glacial speed in the U.S. That's why
we keep an Electoral College that no longer makes sense. But our
nation's in trouble, and we need a new cast on the political stage.
Americans may be allergic to quotas, but there are plenty of other
ways to promote women in politics and public service. With all
our talk about spreading democracy and fair representation, we'd
do well to listen to the experience of the many countries that
make sure women have an ample say in their future. They may be
onto something.
SWANEE HUNT, a former U.S. ambassador to Austria, directs
the Women and Public Policy Program at Harvard and is the author
of "This
Was Not Our War: Bosnian Women Reclaiming the Peace." (Duke
University Press, 2005)
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