The Initiative for Inclusive Security
Policy Forum 2006 and
Seventh Annual Colloquium
January 8 - 20, 2006
The Initiative for Inclusive Security, including The Women
Waging Peace Network, convened a unique forum bringing together
women leaders in post-conflict areas to brainstorm negotiating
tactics, grassroots action, and political and legal maneuvers
to create peace and social justice in their respective countries.
The event commenced in Cambridge, Massachusetts with
the Women and Security Executive Training Program,
an initiative of the Women and Public Policy Program of Harvard's
Kennedy School of Government cosponsored by the Harvard Law
School. Women discussed strategies, shared knowledge and
lessons learned, and developed new approaches and mechanisms
to advocate for legal reform in their countries.
The two-week long program included targeted, capacity-building
skill sessions, meetings with US judges and legal practitioners,
courses on legal and public policy topics, and advocacy training.
Through one-on-one and group sessions with Hunt Alternatives
managers, women honed their message management, media, and
leadership skills.
The culmination was the Policy Forum in
Washington DC on January 20, when over 400 policymakers joined
the participants to engage in focused discussions about how
rule of law efforts in post-conflict countries can be designed
and implemented more effectively with the full participation
of women.
the 2006 Policy Recommendations
Women From Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Conflict Areas
Demand Seat at the Table, Legal Rights in their Countries
"American Organization Brings Women Together to Build Peace"
Voice of America
February 8, 2024
Women Seek Leadership Positions"
United International Press, January 24, 2024
Survivor of Rwanda's Horror Writes Hopes Into Law"
Washington Post,
January 25, 2024
Women Seek Greater Rights"
Voice of America,
20, 2006